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Join DAStL

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Membership Information

Membership Flyer: Located at the end of the page in PDF.

Beginning July 1, 2019, we will be accepting applications for membership in the Delaware Association of Student Leaders (DAStL) for the 2018-2019 school year.

There is 1 Type of Membership:


School Membership is for school student governments,councils,National Honor Societies and ANY Student Leadership Clubs & Organizations (BPA, TSA, Key Club edc) and dues are based on the school and not by the Individual Student and Advisor. 

School Membership dues: $100 (per school not organization)

We encourage applying for the school membership as soon as possible. The application process for DAStL membership continues to be exclusively online. Click on the appropriate link below to be taken to the new school year online application to begin the process.  You will enter pertinent information on that form, then submit it electronically.  An email acknowledging receipt of your application will be sent immediately. It will also provide you with an application link and further instructions to complete the process.

Application Information

To apply for membership you are to follow the directions below which is an ONLINE process.


Please observe the following:

 The on-line process must be completed by an adult advisor authorized by the school administration.

 Membership is not effective until the signed application and dues are received. The on-line process is designed to be user-friendly, but the following descriptions of each of the steps are provided for your information.

Step #1: Before beginning the on-line process, do the following:

A. Be sure you are in compliance with the bullet points above.

B. If there are multiple advisors, determine who will be the designated advisor for DAStL business.

C. Know the method of payment you will use for dues: SCHOOL CHECK ONLY

     Checks are to be made out to DASC not DAStL

Step #2: 

A. Click on the "DAStL School Membership Application" link at the bottom of the DAStL Join/Membership page.

B. Type in the requested/required information in the fields provided.

C. The "School Advisor" must be a single name.

D. When all information is entered, be sure to review it for accuracy and then check the box that confirms that the information is correct.

E. Click the "Submit" button.

F. You will be taken to a page the indicates that you have successfully submitted your information and that an acknowledgement email has been sent to the address you provided.

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